Feeding the Band

Feeding the Band

It's a question that's been asked by many a client: Do we have to feed the band, what do we feed them and why should we feed them? As an agency we understand both the band, client and caterers point of view. Some bands ask for food to be provided by the client as part of their Ryder whilst many bands are content with the evening buffet. So what's the etiquette you may ask?

It's generally accepted that the client provide the band with a meal prior to the gig. The caterer will probably be more than familiar with the situation and often offer a cheaper solution for suppliers meals. After all, the band doesn't expect a fine cut of medium-rare fillet steak, just a hot meal to keep them going.

From the bands point of view, they'll often depart for the gig at around 3pm and find themselves on the road all day. An hour or so waiting for the speeches to finish, another hour setting up and before you know it, it's 8pm and we've got a very hungry group of musicians. The last thing a band wants at this point is to leave the venue in search of food. If I could say one last thing on the subject it's that a well-fed musician is a happy musician and a happy musician is exactly what you want for a great party.